Our stay this month will happily mark the 5th time we’ve vacationed at Meadowbrook in the past 7 years. We only live 50 minutes from the Dells, and Meadowbrook is our tradition. Meadowbrook is truly a down-to-earth, understated ‘best-kept-secret’ that has plenty of amenities and has toddler-friendly water features inside and out. Our initial visit was a family celebration, where we took up the upper row of five rooms in the Ponderosa. We could all join each other outside our back door, coordinating and eating meals together on the very spacious balcony, and then meet again to play card games at night. Unique aspects I appreciate are a lot of kitchen & cooking supplies they include in all or most rooms, and a sturdy table and chairs that we can strap a booster-seat to. It is a rustic, log cabin feel & many walls are covered with logs and north woods decor, and the floors, sinks & toilets have been spotless — it is homey & spacious. If you’re looking for romance, get a jacuzzi suite and find a fine-dining restaurant in town. The resort is a quiet place to wind-down at night or for a nap, offers popcorn & movies every night for kids in their relaxed lobby area where parents can sit nearby & read a book or play checkers.